Friday, January 16, 2009

What do these messages mean??? (Part 2)

Message 1: Fear Inducing Message

This message induces fear by displaying the poison image along with a young male and facts about the damage of obesity. The message is instilling fearby displaying that obesity is poisoning the body and is suicide. It also displays how to avoid doing that which is by exercising and eating right; rather than being a lazy couch potato, do something fun and healthy like riding a bike.

Message 2: Peripheral Route Processing

Message two is about peripheral route processing, it shows a simple message of eating healthy with the distraction of seduction. When people see the message they will want to eat the strawberry because of the distraction of the womans lips.

Message 3: Central Route Processing

The third message on Central Route Processing show images of a three beef stacked burger along with a heart-shape arranged fruits. The image of the burger contains the message "Warning: What you are about to eat will kill you." Many person have eaten burgers before and nothing has happened to them but the severity of the message more importantly the word "kill" will cause them to think about it and when they see the beautifully arranged fruits will contemplate whether to stop eating unhealthy or continue with the diet they have now. The other three pictures show how important it is for us to look a certain way, obesity is not an unknown issue and if someone doesn't know, a diagram is there to show illnesses related to obesity. The last picture shows the small steps to avoid becoming obese.

Central Route Processing

Eat healthy, stay out of obesity.

But some people.....

say it takes less time and energy to get fast food and it is a lot cheaper.

But don't wait until it is too late

Take action today.

Stay healthy, Eat right.

Peripheral Route Processing

Eat Healthy!! (strawberries)

Fear-Inducing Messages on Obesity

  • Obesity claims the lives of hundreds of people a year.
  • Obesity leads to health problems such as diabetes, hypertension, stroke, heart disease and can even lead to death. The only way to prevent the effects of obesity taking over your life is to maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating right and exercising.
  • Eat right, exercise, live a happy life, without obesity.
  • It's easy to sit on the couch and watch a show about bike riding. Wouldn't it be more fun to ride the bike yourself?

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Take Survey!


What Do These Messages Mean???

Message #1 uses classical conditioning by pairing two Olympic athletes; Misty May and Karen Walsh, with the cartoon characters 3-2-1 penguins to address what children and parents can do to prevent obesity.

Message #2 uses classical conditioning to pair the behavior you want with something else people like: Playing outdoors with friends and interacting with other people.

Message #3 is based on intensity and shows hows serious of a problem obesity has become for the youth of today and older generations as well.

Message #4 is based on repetition. The first post repeats the message of exercise, how important it is toward living a healthy lifestyle, body and mind.

Message #5 uses subliminal persuasion to make people believe they can lose weight or change their lifestyles. It features a few links to video clips using subliminal messages to help people lose weight, as well as some of our own ideas about how we would approach the topic using subliminal messages.

Message #6 is a message from new President Elect Barack Obama, about the importance of staying healthy and child obesity.

Message #7 is a message from Richard Simmons, noted fitness guru and activist for inspiration and losing weight.

Message #8 is this post which explains all the other posts.

Message #9 is a survey we have come up with asking people about their eating behaviors and habits.

Exercise Charter for Kids

To see a clearer image of the exercise charter or to print one out for yourself go to:

Increase intensity on obesity problem in US

Why bother with obesity?

The last decade of the 20th century left one statistic behind that America shouldn't be proud of: From 1990 to 1999, there was an unorecedented increase, a whopping 60% increase in the number of overweight Americans.

That's got everyone worried, from parent of obese children, to physicians who observe the condition in their patients every day, to officials at the CDC. Experts compare the rapid spread of obesity to that of a communicable disease.
Obesity contributes to 300,000 deaths annually in the United States, making it the second leading cause of preventable mortaluity in this country. The World Health Organization estimates that more than half of U.S. adults are overweight, and about one-quarter are clinically obese. Perhaps even more alarming is the fact that one out of four American children and teens is overweight or obese.

Get Out, Get Active!


Classic Conditioning of Obestity by Attraction

This video is uses famous volleyball playersMisty May and Karen Walsh along with the cartoon charcters 3-2-1 penguins addressing what children and parents can do to help prevent obesity

Barak Obama Addressing Child Obesity

Subliminal Persuasion

Because obesity has become an epidemic in America its important to get the message through to people about improving their life styles toward a more healthy one. Some people believe that the root of obesity lies within the mind frame of the person.

People develop habits and behaviors that we have built up and become comfortable with over the years. Therefore, you cannot lose weight without altering your mind frame- the way you see food, exercise, the enjoyment you get from food, your tendency to eat fatty foods or the habit of snacking in-between meals.

Some examples of videos containing
subliminal weight loss messages are listed here:

Although there is a lot of information about subliminal messages, they do not necessarily work, and good old fashioned exercise and healthy diet is really whats going to do the trick.

If subliminal messages actually worked, here are a few examples of the type of messages we would send:

We would have an image of someone stuffing their face with fatty food, and then immediately show someone working out on an exercise machine for about a second.

Another idea would be to flash images on fruit during television shows that children watch, like SpongeBob SquarePants, it would be so quick that it wouldn't interrupt the show but the image would still be planted into the children's minds.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


America is home to the most obese people in the world.
According to the CDC, within the past 20 years, obesity in adults has increased by 60 % and has tripled in the past 30 years for children. 33% of all Americans are obese and obesity related deaths have reached to about more than 300,000 a year.

Why then are Americans the only society with such a high obesity rate?

If you look at the American diet and lifestyle there’s no mystery why Americans are so fat.

Living life on the go

Watching tv or searching the internet instead of going outside and taking a walk.

Lack of funds

Not all states require Physical Education classes in public schools

processed food and refined products which get
sent to our super markets are loaded with
sugar, hydrogenated oils,
and other ingredients which are
not beneficial to your health.

Within the past 30 years, fast food restaurants have become mainstream, with practically all Americans taking advantage of the low prices, quick service, and tasty meals.

Although they're convenient, the fast food industry meals contain almost no nutrients. Instead they are packed with saturated fats, highly refuned carbohydrates and extreme amounts of sodium and sugar. The average adult shouldn't consume more than 65 grams of fat or 2000 calories a day.

One meal from Burger King or McDonalds has 50 grams of fat, almost enough to fill a persons fat and calorie quota for that day. TV doesn't help the problem either. The average person sees more than 10,000 food ads on TV a year, usually for high-calorie, high-fat and high-sugar meals like fast food restaurants. Not only do fast food chains spend billions a year on marketing and advertising, they are now also making contracts with schools. It's no wonder why the population of obese children is increasing; children are being constantly bombarded by these images of unhealthy foods.


- Diet

- Drugs

- Surgery


Which diet should you recommend?

In general, most people should intake about 1,000 to 1,200 calories a day. People over the weight of 165, especially women, can intake 1,200 to 1,600 a day. If the patient can stick with the 1,600 kcal/day diet but does not lose weight you may want to try the 1,200 kcal/day diet. If a patient on either diet is hungry, you may want to increase the calories by 100 to 200 per day.

Taking diet pills for obesity treatment has gradually become the trend in recent times.

the weight loss supplement diet pills industry.

Diet pills and supplements have taken over the nutritional need for well balanced and organic diet. The growing trend of taking diet pills is clear from the large variety of such pills and supplements flooding the market and the internet. Be that as it may, it will be simply presumptuous to believe that each of those diet pills can work miracles on your obesity. You must consider your peculiar situation and pick the best weight loss diet pills for you. Many
organic [herbal-based] and synthetic weight loss diet pills are available for effective weight loss.

Here are some of the diet pills:

Prescription Diet Pills

These pills are diet drugs. These pills are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration agency (FDA), their side effects are monitored and they may be advertised and prescribed for weight loss under certain condition and in certain pill-dosages.

Examples of prescription diet pills include brands like:
Meridia (Sibutramine), Xenical (Orlistat), Adipex, Bontril, Didrex, Phentermine and Tenuate.

Over-the-Counter Diet Pills and Weight Loss Supplements

You still need to exercise and eat healthy for the diet supplements to work effectively.

Gastric Bypass Suregery

Lapband Surgery

Lap BandGastric Bypass
Overnight hospitalization2-7 day hospital stay
Vitamins are optionalVitamins are required
More gradual weight lossFaster weight loss
No alteration of anatomyGI tract permanently altered
Band is a mechanical deviceNo foreign bodies
Long-term adjustmentsLong-term weight regain?
Less risk/complicationsHigher risk of complications


Obesity is an excess proportion of body fat. A person is considered to be obese if his or weight is 20% more than or more than the average body weight. Morbid obesity is when a person is 50%-100% heavier than the normal weight.

Obesity is caused by many things:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Medication
  • Physical Activity
  • Environmental Factors
  • Physiological Factors
  • Illness
  • Genetics

Click here to go to the History of obesity and Technological Fixes for it